Sunday 24 May 2020

Seems like it's something

Last night, my lesson was using the Sogang 2b book.  For some reason I skipped this chapter before, but I will review the other chapters again over the next few lessons and do some workbook activities during my self study time.

오늘 날씨가 어때요?               How's the weather today?
비가 오는 것 같아요!                     Seems like it's raining!

 This was one of the most useful phrases that I have ever learnt you can make endless sentences.

힘든 것  같아요 it seems hard

You try to make your own....

Quick Korean site to close!

I just received an email from the cyber University Korea  informing me that they are going to close the website and users will lose access to their accounts from June 19th!

It seems the content will be available through other channels, such as youtube, but the CUK site will close.

Here is the english text from the email:

Our Quick Korean website(, which has provided free Korean language courses for registered members, will close beginning June 19, 2020.
The homepage will be reconstructed as a guide to our free Korean language courses, which will be provided through CUK’s Center of Future StudiesYouTubeNaverTVyouku, and the Learning Korean platform at the Korea Times.

We inform you that from hence on members will not be able to log in for the online courses.
Furthermore, personal records of class registration and issuance of certificates will no longer be made available. (Personal information of members will be deleted from our system as required by the Personal Information Protection Law of the Republic of Korea).

The Cyber University of Korea will continue to produce high quality Korean language learning online programs under our mission of ‘Creation and Service.’ Thank you for your interest and support.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Business in Korea - A guide for foreigners - Book

Book Launched on December 1st 2019

Business in Korea - a guide for foreigners

I am pleased to announce the release of my new book, for those wishing to do business in Korea. The book is based on the experiences and insight gained during the last 8 years in Korea.

This book is for people who do business in Korea,  or do business with Koreans. Maybe you work in a Korean company, travel to Korea for business, or maybe you are a student looking to find out more about business culture in korea, whatever the reason... if you want to learn the art of business in Korea, and gain an understanding of its unique business culture and etiquette to help you succeed in business with Koreans, then this book is for you.

Available from for kindle and eBook readers or as a PDF that you can view on a range of devices such as tablet, smartphone and computer.

Business in Korea - a guide for foreigners is a complete reference guide to business culture in Korea, and is designed to be easily consumed by busy people. The information contained within this book is a culmination of over 7 years experience of working in Korea.

I‌n this book you will learn about South‌ ‌Korea‌‌, and how its Confucian rooted culture affects the dynamics of ‌Respect,‌ ‌Age,‌ ‌and‌ ‌status‌‌. Learn the correct hierarchical Job Positions‌ ‌and‌ ‌Titles‌‌, in Korean.

Do you want to know how to get introduced, how to arrange meetings, and how to behave in them to avoid cultural faux pas’?

Do you know how to give and receive business cards in the ‘Korean Way’ and how to correctly respond to invitations, just like a Korean?

Maybe you have heard about Han, Jeong, and Nunchi, (or maybe these are alien concepts to you) - but do you understand how these concepts play out in the workplace?

Korean culture and Korean business culture is very unique. To the uneducated, it can be a minefield to navigate. Don't risk your business relationships turning sour over easily avoided misunderstandings.

This guide will help you impress your Korean business associates, smooth the process of forming relationships

Business in Korea - a guide for foreigners is an essential guide to ensure your success, in Business, in Korea.

Sunday 3 March 2019


오늘은 토픽 공부 시작 합니다

선생님가 할아버지 이에요. 잠 제미있다!

Friday 28 December 2018

Aprendiendo coreano

El idioma coreano es hablado por más de 70 millones de personas, principalmente en Corea del Norte y del Sur. Hay varios hablantes nativos de coreano en varios países, incluidos los Estados Unidos, Australia, Canadá y Japón. El idioma coreano está formado por un alfabeto de 28 caracteres que se han utilizado durante cientos de años. Estos caracteres no son en modo alguno similares al alfabeto occidental que conforma el inglés, el francés, el español y otros idiomas. Esto puede resultar intimidante para alguien interesado en aprender el idioma coreano. Si eres un soldado, un diplomático o simplemente alguien que planea un viaje a Corea del Sur, aprender el idioma te ayudará a romper las barreras culturales y de comunicación.

Hay varias maneras de aprender el idioma coreano, en diversos grados. Si estudias coreano en una universidad o en una universidad, recibirás una educación intensiva sobre el alfabeto, la lectura, la escritura y el hablar el idioma que te dará una ventaja en la comunicación con los ciudadanos coreanos y compañeros de trabajo. Si está planeando una carrera como diplomático de los Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, existe la posibilidad de que su trabajo lo lleve a Corea. Poder comunicarte con coreanos nativos te ayudará a aprovechar al máximo tu trabajo y experiencia en una nueva tierra. Serás un mejor representante de tu país si puedes demostrar que estás dispuesto a aprender el idioma indígena. Se apreciará su sensibilidad cultural. Además, si planeas ser profesor de inglés como segundo idioma, ser fluido en coreano hará que tu experiencia de vivir allí sea más placentera. Como instructor de inglés, enseñarás a estudiantes coreanos, pero también aprenderás de ellos.

Otra forma de aprender el idioma coreano es inscribirse en uno de los muchos cursos acelerados que están disponibles a través de colegios comunitarios e incluso en línea. Un curso acelerado en coreano le proporcionará un conocimiento básico del idioma, que le permitirá comprender frases básicas y hacer preguntas básicas. También se te presentará el alfabeto coreano, que puede parecer desalentador. También hay instrucciones de idiomas disponibles para la compra. No aprendes el idioma por memorización. Más bien, los hablantes nativos de coreano ofrecen escenarios de la vida real que le brindan la oportunidad de aprender sobre la marcha, utilizando la tecnología de voz en su computadora. Obtienes una respuesta inmediata, que es una forma menos estresante para que aprendas. Cuando el proceso de aprendizaje es menos estresante, es más probable que retenga y retenga la información, por lo que aprenderá el idioma coreano con mayor facilidad de lo que creía posible.

Ya sea que esté interesado en aprender el idioma coreano para su propio desarrollo y disfrute intelectual, o si está dispuesto a hacerlo para un trabajo como la diplomacia internacional o la enseñanza, aprender a hablar, leer y escribir, el coreano le brinda el conocimiento para comunicarse. personas de una cultura diferente, y si trabajas en el extranjero, te ayuda a tener una experiencia menos preocupante al comunicarte con coreanos nativos. No hay nada más estresante que no poder comunicarse con las personas en un país extranjero. Aprender coreano aliviará ese estrés y causará una buena impresión en sus asociados en el extranjero. Aprender el idioma coreano mejorará sus viajes y experiencias de trabajo, ya que apreciará la vida y la cultura de los coreanos, un pueblo que nos parece misterioso. Aprender un segundo idioma, como el coreano, es un logro intelectual y personal que mejorará los beneficios profesionales e intelectuales para usted.

Thursday 27 December 2018

Learning korean

The Korean language is spoken by more than 70 million people, primarily in North and South Korea. There are a number of native Korean language speakers in several countries, including the United States Australia, Canada, and Japan. The Korean language is made up of an alphabet of 28 characters that have been in used for hundreds of years. These characters are in no way similar the western alphabet that makes up the English, French, Spanish, and other languages. This can prove to be intimidating for someone interested in learning the Korean language. If you are a soldier, a diplomat, or just someone planning a trip to South Korea, learning the language will help you to break down cultural and communication barriers.

There are several ways you can learn the Korean language, to varying degrees. If you study Korean at a college or University, you will receive an intensive education on the alphabet, reading, writing, and speaking the language that will give you a leg up on communicating with Korean citizens and work associates. If you are planning a career in as a United States diplomat, for example, there is a chance that your job will take you to Korea. Being able to communicate with native Koreans will help you make the most of your job and experience in a new land. You will be a better representative of your country if you are able to demonstrate your willingness to learn the indigenous language. Your cultural sensitivity will be appreciated. Also, if you plan to be a teacher of English as a second language, being fluent in Korean will make your experience living there more pleasant. As an instructor of English, you will be teaching Korean students, but you will also be learning from them.

Another way to learn the Korean language is by enrolling in one of many accelerated courses that are available through community colleges and even online. An accelerated course in Korean will provide you with a basic knowledge of the language, which will allow you to understand basic phrases, and ask basic questions. You will also be introduced to the Korean alphabet, which might seem daunting. There is language instruction available for purchase, as well. You do not learn the language by memorization. Rather, native Korean speakers provide real-life scenarios that provide you the opportunity to learn as you go, using voice technology over your computer. You get immediate feedback, which is a less stressful way for you to learn. When the learning process is less stressful, you are more apt to take the information in and retain, thus learning the Korean language with greater ease than you thought possible.

Whether you are interested in learning the Korean language for your own intellectual development and enjoyment, or you are inclined to do so for a job such a international diplomacy or teaching, learning to speak, read, and write Korean gives you the knowledge to communicate with people of a different culture, and if you are working abroad, helps you to have a less worrisome experience communicating with native Koreans. There is nothing more stressful than being unable to communicate with people while in a foreign country. Learning Korean will alleviate that stress, as well as make a good impression with your overseas associates. Learning the Korean language will enhance your travels and work experiences in that you will be appreciate the lives and culture of the Korean people, a people that seem mysterious to us. Learning a second language such as the Korean language is an intellectually and personally improving achievement that will provide many benefits to you professionally and intellectually.