Friday 6 December 2013

A post about TOPIK vocabulary study and the meaning of 구경 - sightseeing

Last night was my TOPIK study night after spending most of the week on my Sogang 2A book study.

I returned to the vocabulary book and the first set of words, I knew all the words, but half of them, not  instantly and only after I read the translation. That is to say that once I read the translation I  had a recollection that I knew the word.  I wrote out the example sentences and translated them, I was pleasantly surprised that I actually understood the sentences with too much reliance on Google translate.

One thing that really confused me was the word 구경 - translated in the topic vocabulary book as Sightseeing!

The Example sentences, that caused the confusion were:

저의 취미는 야구 구경이에요.
My hobby is watching (구경) baseball.


지난 주말에 영화구경을 했어요.
Last weekend I watched (구경) a movie.

The meaning of 구경 is more correctly; viewing an event / performance (sports game / movie) rather than sightseeing.

I will check in my TOPIK lesson how to use this in another sentence for a soccer match or theatre play and post some more examples as a comment on this post.

I still need to complete the first test questions, the sentences in the vocab test seem much easier than those in the examples. However, they sometimes give you an alternative word to show you the meaning of the sentence before you fill in the blank, - This is kind of crazy as if you don't know the common word it is unlikely that you know the alternative!  but, on the other hand is good as you effectively learn 2 words and it ensures you understand the meaning.

My next plan is to just drill myself to get the rhythm and pronunciation correct for all of the example sentences and try to make some of my own.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! Leaning new words have always been burdensome for many students, as it is an abstract skill. Therefore, just learning new words without keeping it in the memory will put all your efforts in vain. So visit for learning new words with thematic learning, gamified way and also with personalized sessions. Be connected.
