Thursday, 16 October 2014

Memrize Sogang Korean study

I have re-started using Memrize to study vocabulary, there are already Memrize courses for Sogang 1b, 2a, and 2b.  If you don't know about memrise, you can check it out here.

I use the Andriod App on my Note 3, and it works really well.  I last used memrize about a year ago and gave up as it was too hard to type on my phone, within the time limit.  Problems were caused by both the text input on my phone and the app itself, oh and probably my lack of ability!

The website works in the previous way with the timed countdown to type the word, but the app now has several methods to input the word. One is to select the English translation form a list of options, the other is to read the English word / phrase and select groups of Korean characters to form the Korean word / phrase.

For example:

Memrise has allowed me, through its gamified learning environment, to learn 321 words and accumulate 168,448 points.  I have no idea what the points are for, or what they mean, but what I like about the Memrise environment is that it is very motivating, you want to remember the words and a sense of achievement is given when the you get it right.

I also have been continuing with my conversation classes and will post something about them, later!

Happy studying!

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